- What does a CSS Preprocessor do?
- A CSS Preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS form the Preprocessor's own syntax. It enables us to use logic in our CSS code. (Such as variables, nesting, inheritance, mixins, functions, and mathematical operations.)
- What are the advantages of using a CSS Preprocessor?
- By using a pre-processor, you can easily increase your productivity, and decrease the amount of code you are writing in a project.
- With the freedom and capabilities that comes from using variables, mixins, and functions, CSS preprocessors can keep your stylesheets well-organized, flexible, reusable, and more maintainable to help you write better and cleaner CSS code.
- What are the disadvantages or issues you need to consider when using a CSS Preprocessor?
- Debugging is harder
- Compilation slows down development
- They can produce very large CSS files
- Maintainence and overengineering
- Tooling and developer convenience
- Saving generatied files.
- Capability and understanding.
- List at least FIVE CSS Preprocessors currently available.
- CSS-Crush
- Myth
- Stylus
- Rework
- Clay
- Research Web Development jobs and see how many of them list a CSS Preprocessor as one of their desired skills
Some Jobs that do with Front End Web Developer Would require you know SASS SCSS and thats really all I could find (sorry I couldnt find anything else :-( ) But I am not suprised that half of the time job applications would fail to ask for these specific types of languages as requirements, sometimes the person who makes this probably either forgets to ask it or only asks it in the interview.