Please complete the following exercises on this page. When complete post this page to your server. Make a link in your WDV221 homework page for this assignment.
Submt this assignment on Blackboard. Please include a link to your homework page.
1. Define a String variable called schoolName and assign it a value of DMACC. Use the keyword const for this variable. Use document.write() to display the value of the variable within an h2 element.
2. Define a String variable called courseName and assign it a value of WDV221 Intro Javascript. Use document.write() to display the value of the variable within the following paragraph.
Hello! Welcome to
3. Define a Numeric variable called testScore and assign it a value of 100.00. Use console.log() to display the value of the variable.
4. Define a Numeric variable called courseGrade. Do not give it a value. Use console.log() to display the value of the variable.
5. Define a Boolean variable called courseCompleted. Give it a value of false. Use an alert() to display the value of the variable.